We'd love to hear from everyone who's used our Cowgirls jigsaw puzzle, so we're having a contest. Send us a postcard with your name and address and when (what date) and where (on line service, friend, etc) you saw the Cowgirls jigsaw puzzle. On Friday, May 27th, 1994, we'll randomly select 5 postcards as winners, and will send them each a full size poster from "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues." We will also send a poster to the person who sends us a postcard from the point furthest from our offices in New York (in the case of two or more people sending us a postcard from the same distant location, we'll pick one winner randomly). Send your postcard to: Cowgirls Jigsaw Contest Fine Line Features 888 Seventh Avenue, 20th Floor New York City, NY 10106 This contest ends Friday, May 27th, 1994, but feel free to send us postcards even after that date -- we'd love to see how far this puzzle goes. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. TO GET A LIST OF WINNERS, SEND A STAMPED, SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS BEFORE JUNE 1, 1994.